Low-energy precision experiments in particle physics
- ASACUSA: measurement of the ground-state hyperfine splitting (supported by ERC Advanced Grant 291242)
- In-beam hyperfine spectroscopy of hydrogen and deuterium: HyDRA
- GRASIAN: ultra-cold hydrogen
Kaon-Nucleon Interaction and Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States
- X-rays of kaonic deuterium: E47 at J-PARC and SIDDHARTA-2 at LN Frascati
- ³He(in-flight K-,n) production of K-pp with experiment E15 at J-PARC
Future projects
- FLAIR, a Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt
Previous experiments I was involved in
- PANDA@FAIR – Proton-antiproton annihilations at Darmstadt
- BELLE@KEK – Qarkonia studies in B decays
- VIP and VIP-2 @ LN Gran Sasso- Test of the Pauli principle
- Antiprotonic helium: microwave spectroscopy
- X-rays of kaonic hydrogen: SIDDHARTA at LN Frascati
- proton-induced production of K-pp with FOPI at GSI
- X-rays of Kaonic 4He at KEK: experiment E570
- 4He (stopped K-,n) and 4He (stopped K-,p) reaction: E471 and E549/E570 at KEK
- Antiprotonic Helium Atoms: PS205 experiment at LEAR
- Kaonic Hydrogen X-Ray experiment KpX (E228) at KEK

Image source: CERN

Image source: CERN