Address Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dominikanerbastei 16, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43-1-51581 4500 / 4510
Interest Precision studies of CPT symmetry and QED in antiprotonic atoms and antihydrogen, precision measurements of fundamental symmetries
and interactions using ultra-cold hydrogen, strong interaction at low energy
in exotic kaonic and antiprotonic atoms.
Personal data
20.06.1960 born in Eschenau, State Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Nationality: German
married, 2 children.
Academic career
1979 – 1985 Study of physics at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
1985– 1986 Experimental diploma thesis work at the Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research (MPI), Stuttgart
on pion-muon channeling experiments carried out at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland.
1986 Diplom-Physiker (equivalent to Masters degree), University of Stuttgart
1986 – 1990 Ph. D. work at the MPI Stuttgart. Subject: Search for Positron Electron Scattering Resonances in the MeV Region using the mono-energetic positron
beam available at MPI Stuttgart.
01.11.1990 Dr. rer. nat (Dr. of Science, equivalent to Ph. D.) “mit Auszeichnung” (maxima cum laude) in experimental physics, University of Stuttgart.
1999 Dr. rer, nat, habil. Habilitation in Experimental Physics at the Physics Department of the Technische Universität München.
Subject: Experimental Studies of the Metastability of antiprotonic Helium 2006 Honorary professor for subatomic physics, University of Vienna.
Scientific Positions
1990 – 1993 JSPS Post Doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo (Japan).
1993 – 1996 Fellow at the European Laboratory for High Energy Physics (CERN, Geneva)
1996 – 1997 Project Associate of the PS205 collaboration at CERN.
1997 – 1998 STA-Fellow at the Muon Science Laboratory, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan.
1998 Project Associate of the ASACUSA collaboration at CERN and visiting researcher in the group of Prof. R.S. Hayano at the Physics Department of the
University of Tokyo. Project Leader for the laser and microwave spectroscopy
experiments on antiprotonic helium. Member of the ASACUSA steering
1999 Senior Project Associate, ASACUSA collaboration.
since 2004 Director of the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.
2011 ERC Advanced Grant “HbarHFS – Hyperfine Structure of Antihydrogen ”.
1990 Ph.D. award “mit Auszeichnung” (“with distinction”, maxima cum laude), University of Stuttgart.
Responsibilities in International Collaborations
ASACUSA Atomic Spectroscopy And Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons at CERN-AD
Founding member, co-spokesperson (since 2018), leader of the
spectroscopy group, member of the steering committee
AEgIS Antihydrogen Experiment: gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy
Head of Publications and Talks Board (2014-2017),
member of the collaboration board (2012-2017)
FLAIR Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research at the future
FAIR facility at Darmstadt
spokesperson 2004-2012, co-spokesperson 2012-2014, member of the steering committee since 2004
Membership of Review Panels and Committees
- Deputy Chair of NuPECC (Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee, ESF) since 2018.
- Co-spokesperson of the ASACUSA collaboration (since 2018).
- Member (since 2017), secretary (since 2021), president elect of the IUPAP Commission for Nuclear Physics C12.
- Member of the G-PAC (General Program Advisory Committee) of GSI-FAIR (since 2017).
- President (2015-2016) and Vice President (2014, 2017) of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG).
- Chairman (2013-2014) and Vice-Chairman (2012, 2015) of the Division of Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Austrian Physical Society.
- External Counselling Body of the Institute of Nuclear Research (ATOMKI, Debrecen, 2010-2019) and the KFKI Research Institute of Particle Physics (Budapest, 2010-2011) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- Austrian representative in NuPECC (Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee, ESF), member of the steering committee for the Long Range Plans 2010, 2017, and 2024 in charge of the working group „Fundamental interactions and symmetries“.
- Chairman of the “Institutsdirektorenkonferenz”, the assembly of directors of institutes of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2011-2015).
- Responsible for Austria in the executive board of the German JSPS Alumni Organisation “JSPS Club” (since 2014)
- GSI G-PAC (General program advisory committee, GSI Darmstadt) 2004-2009.
- Austrian representative in the Scientific and Technical Issues (STI) committee of the FAIR facility, Darmstadt (2005-2010).
- Editorial board of the journal Hyperfine Interactions (Springer).
- Referee for Physical Review Letters, Physics Letters B, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, European Physical Journal D.
- Project evaluation referee for DFG, NSF Switzerland, ,Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Spain), GACR (Czech Science Foundation), MSMT (Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports EU Operational Programme Management Section).
- Canada Research Chairs Program College of Reviewers.
Member of the International Advisory Committee or Organizer of the Following Conferences and Workshops
- EXA – Exotic Atoms and Related Fields, Vienna.
- LEAP – Low Energy Antiproton Physics.
- INPC – International Nuclear Physics Conference, co-convener for the topics “Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions in Nuclei”, INPC2016, Adelaide, Australia.
- EUNPC- European Nuclear Physics Conference.
- PSI – Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland.
- DISCRETE – Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries.
- PSAS – Physics of Simple Atomic Systems.
- FFK – International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants
- MENU – International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon
- TCP – Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics.
- MESON – International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, KRAKÓW, POLAND