Stefan Meyer Institute
for Subatomic Physics
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dominikanerbastei 16 3rd floor
A-1010 Wien
T +43-1-51581-4500/4510
F +43-1-51581-4509
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Widmann

Research interest:
- Study of Fundamental Interactions and Symmetries through Low-energy Precision Experiments in Particle Physics and
- Using exotic atoms and exotic nuclear bound systems to study non-perturbative QCD
My current main experimental activities are
- In-beam hyperfine spectroscopy of antihydrogen, hydrogen and deuterium
- ASACUSA: antihydrogen ground state hyperfine structure
- HyDRA: hyperfine spectroscopy of hydrogen and deuterium for tests of Lorentz Invariance
- GRASIAN: Spectroscopy of ultra-cold hydrogen
- Non-perturbative QCD
- X-rays of kaonic deuterium: experiments E57 at J-PARC and SIDDHARTA-2 at Dafne
- 3He (in-flight K–,n) production of K-pp with experiment E15 at J-PARC